​Our Story
The Federation was formed in 1970 and currently has over 150 Clubs in its membership resenting over 20,000 motoring enthusiasts.
Rather than individuals the Federation is an umbrella group for clubs that cater for vehicles (i.e. cars, motorcycles, trucks, stationary engines, etc). Individuals can become part of the movement by joining one the Federation clubs.
Our Objectives
To foster and promote adequate assistance for the preservation and restoration of Veteran, Vintage and Classic vehicles.
To publish a state wide calendar of events of all member clubs.
To encourage membership of the federation by clubs eligible under the constitution.
To provide assistance for the study of problems related to the Veteran, Vintage and Classic clubs throughout Victoria, Australia and the world.
To open and maintain channels of communication between Veteran, Vintage and Classic movements.
To advise persons and organisations working for the benefit of Veteran, Vintage and Classic movements.
To procure and provide information and establish an information centre for the purposes of the federation
To publish and cause to be published any information concerning or affecting the development of clubs in the state of Victoria and circulate or otherwise any reports, periodicals, books, or other documents which the federation may consider will promote the objects of the federation.
To co-operate affiliate or associate with any organisation having similar or related objects of the federation.
To obtain, collect and receive money and funds by way of contributions, donations, fees, subscriptions, legacies and grants or receive any property real or personal.
To do or procure to be done any act incidental to or conductive to the furtherance of the objects of the federation.